
Circular economy: how to measure when we have no measure?

Presenter(s): Gustavo Longaray Moraga, Ghent University

e-mail(s): gustavo.moraga@ugent.be

Date: 3 March 2020

Webinar aims

This webinar aims to present an introduction related to some of the existing circular economy indicators in the European context. A description of a framework to classify indicators according to the measurement characteristics of the circular economy will be provided. The ten indicators proposed by the European Commission to evaluate the circular economy and a description of an alternative pathway to monitor the circular economy will be presented.

Webinar learning outcomes

  • To be aware of what is being measured and what is possible to measure in the circular economy context.

  • To become familiar with the circular economy indicators proposed by the European Commission.

  • To be aware of potential paths to monitor the circular economy.

Webinar content

  • Description of a framework to classify indicators according to the measurement characteristics of the circular economy.

  • Illustration of the framework with the ten indicators proposed by the European Commission to evaluate the circular economy.

  • Description of an alternative pathway to monitor the circular economy.

Difficulty level


Prerequisites for the webinar

Basic understanding of quantitative indicators in a macro-scale perspective.

Further reading and resources

Moraga, Gustavo, Sophie Huysveld, Fabrice Mathieux, Gian Andrea Blengini, Luc Alaerts, Karel Van Acker, Steven de Meester, and Jo Dewulf. 2019. “Circular Economy Indicators: What Do They Measure?” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 146 (March): 452–61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.03.045.

Alaerts, Luc, Karel Van Acker, Sandra Rousseau, Simon De Jaeger, Gustavo Moraga, Jo Dewulf, Steven De Meester, et al. 2019. “Towards a More Direct Policy Feedback in Circular Economy Monitoring via a Societal Needs Perspective.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 149 (October): 363–71. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.06.004.

Circular Economy Policy Research Centre – https://ce-center.vlaanderen-circulair.be/en

Presentation material

Presentation Webinar Circular Economy

Recording of the webinar

Recording Webinar Circular Economy