
Detecting Family Complexity from Official Statistics: The Case of Italy

Presenter(s): Daniele Vignoli, University of Florence & Eleonora Meli, Italian Statistical Office (ISTAT)

e-mail(s): daniele.vignoli@unifi.it; elmeli@istat.it

Date: 13 April 2021

Webinar aims

This presentation aims to review emerging family changes in Italy (cohabitations, non-marital childbearing, union dissolutions, multipartner fertility, grey divorces) and discuss how they can be detected and studied through official statistics. The seminar highlights the challenges faced by statistical offices in documenting trends and understanding causes of contemporary revolutionary family changes in Italy, a country all too often caricatured as a “traditional” country.

Webinar learning outcomes

Understanding emerging family trends, and how we can detect these new trends from Official Statistics.

Webinar content

  • Trends in cohabitations (in Europe and Italy);

  • Trends in non-marital childbearing (in Europe and Italy);

  • Trends in union dissolutions (in Europe and Italy);

  • Trends in multipartner fertility (in Europe and Italy);

  • Trends in grey divorces (in Europe and Italy);

  • How can we detect family trends from Official Statistics?

  • How can we understand the determinants of emerging family behaviors from Official Statistics?

Difficulty level


Prerequisites for the webinar

Understanding tables and figures

Further reading and resources

Presentation material



Recording of the webinar