
Mixed-mode surveys

Presenter(s): Edith de Leeuw & Anne Elevelt, Utrecht University

e-mail(s): E.D.deLeeuw@uu.nl, A.Elevelt@uu.nl

Date: 12 May 2020

Webinar aims

Society and technology change constantly. Efficient data collection methods have to adapt to these changes. Mixed mode surveys with an online component included offer many advantages, but also challenges. One of the challenges is the use of mixed-devices (smartphone, tablet) to complete an online questionnaire. The aim of this course is to provide the participants with a sound background on mixed-mode and mixed-device methodology, as well as on the implications of mixing modes on questionnaire design and total survey error.

Webinar learning outcomes

By the end of the course participants will

  • Be familiar with the current scientific discourse on mixed-mode and mixed-device surveys

  • Know the advantages and disadvantages of different modes and mixes

  • Be able to make an informed judgment about mixed-mode or mixed-device surveys

  • Be able to make an informed judgement on mixed-mode and mixed device surveys for their own research

  • Properly address design and analysis of mixed mode and mixed device surveys

Webinar content

The webinar discusses

  • Types of Mixed Mode designs

  • Errors associated with Mixed Mode Surveys

  • Online surveys as part of the mix

  • Mobile surveys/Mixed Device surveys

  • Designing for Mixed Mode / Mixed Device

  • Planning for adjustment: selection vs measurement error

Difficulty level


Prerequisites for the webinar

  • Basic knowledge of survey methodology (e.g. Groves, R. M., Fowler, F. J., Couper, M. P., Lepkowski, J. M., Singer, E., & Tourangeau, R. (2004). Survey Methodology. New York: Wiley.)

  • Basic knowledge of multivariate statistics (e.g. analysis of variance/regression analysis)

  • Basic knowledge of web survey design (e.g. 2018 EMOS Webinar: Web Surveys)

Further readings and resources

de Leeuw, Edith D. To mix or not to mix data collection modes in surveys. Journal of Official Statistics, (2005) 21, 2, 233-255. Available at http://www.jos.nu/Articles/abstract.asp?article=212233

de Leeuw, Edith D. & Hox, Joop J. (2011). Internet surveys as part of a mixed-mode design. In M. Das, P. Ester, & L. Kaczmirek (Eds), Social and behavioral research and the Internet (pp 45-76.) New York: Taylor & Francis Group. see for manuscript version http://joophox.net/publist/pubenjh.htm

de Leeuw, E. & Toepoel, V (2018). Mixed-Mode and Mixed-Device Surveys In: The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research, edited by David L. Vannette  & Jon A. Krosnick. chapter 10, pp51-61. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan.https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-54395-6

Elevelt, A., Lugtig, P.J. & Toepoel, V. (2019). Doing a Time Use Survey on Smartphones Only: What Factors Predict Nonresponse at Different Stages of the Survey Process?. Survey Research Methods, 13,. 195-213.  https://doi.org/10.18148/srm/2019.v13i2.7385

Elevelt, A., Bernasco, Wim, Lugtig, P.J., Ruiter, S. & Toepoel, V. (2019). Where You at? Using GPS Locations in an Electronic Time Use Diary Study to Derive Functional Locations. Social Science Computer Review.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0894439319877872

Presentation material

Presentation Material Webinar Mixed Mode

Recording of the webinar

Recording Webinar Mixed Mode

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