

7th EMOS Workshop

29 June 2021 (Online Event, streamed on YouTube)

Unlock the future of EMOS: why over what, experimenting over execution

Register here

YouTube link first part (9:00-12:30)

YouTube link second part (14:00-15:00)

9:00 – 9:10 Welcome + Opening
Nicola Meccheri – University of Pisa
Lorenzo Corsini University of Pisa
Caterina Giusti
University of Pisa
9:15 – 10:15 EMOS Talk: looking back, looking forward
Data science and official statistics in the era of digital transformation
Moderator: Monica Pratesi –University of Pisa
Speakers: Ron KenettTechnion Israel Institute of Technology, Emanuele Baldacci – Eurostat
10:15 – 11:15 EMOS Graduates talk about the EMOS
Experiences in studying and working in Official Statistics
Adam Czerniak – Warsaw School of Economics
Peter Lugtigt – Utrecht University
Inès Karmous INSEE; Sarah Müller Ontruck; Dominik Kreis LMU München; Danilo Đikanović UNDP Montenegro
11:15 – 11:30 Break
11:30 – 12:30 Round table
Employability of EMOS students: Evolution of ways of working in Official Statistics
Moderator: Albrecht Wirthmann – Eurostat
Participants: Markus Zwick – Destatis; Carola Fabi – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Bruno Tissot – Bank for International Settlements
12:30– 14:00 Break
14:00 – 15:00 Keynote speech
Seeing statistics: The power of pictures

Speaker: Jo Røislien – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Chair: Dario Buono – Eurostat
Final Discussion

Flyer Worshop EMOS 2021

Instructions: To be able to ask questions you need to log in on YouTube using a Google account.