Presenter(s): Mark van der Loo, CBS
Date: 24 March 2020
Webinar aims
To provide participants with an introductory overview of characteristics of three important open source tools for technical computing, data science, and statistics: R, Python, and Julia. It should be clear why these tools exist, what their status is in our industry, and why they are useful for the official statistics community.
Webinar learning outcomes
Participants will have a general and basic knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of each tool. This includes technical, infrastructural, and social aspects of the tools.
Webinar content
For each tool we will discuss:
Their origin, original aim, and current status and applications in industry.
A few technical aspects including programming paradigm and typing discipline
Infrastructure for modularization: R packages, Julia packages, Python Modules
The user community and usage in official statistics.
Difficulty level
Prerequisites for the webinar
Some experience with any of the data science tools Python, R or Julia.
Further reading and resources
Presentation material
Presentation material Webinar R, Python, Julia
Recording of the webinar
Recording Webinar R, Python, Julia