
Recent developments in publishing statistics

Presenter(s): Tim Allen, Eurostat – European Commission


Date: 9 June 2020

Webinar aims

This webinar will look at some of the recent developments in Eurostat in getting our data out of the database and into the hands of users, in particular various forms of digital dissemination.

Webinar learning outcomes

To be aware of recent work by Eurostat in publishing statistics, particularly those making use of modern digital tools and channels such as social media. To become familiar with Eurostat’s approach to encouraging statistical literacy.

Webinar content

  • Digital publications

  • Static infographics

  • Interactive visualisations

  • Statistical literacy

  • Social media

  • Audio visual content

Difficulty level 


Prerequisites for the webinar

Basic understanding of communicating statistics to a broad audience

Further reading and resources

Eurostat website, particularly:

Digital publications – https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/publications/digital-publications

Visualisations and tools – https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/help/first-visit/tools

Statistics Explained – https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Main_Page

UNECE – Dissemination and communication of statistics https://www.unece.org/stats/mos/diss.html

Presentation material

Presentation material Webinar Publishing Statistics

Recording of the webinar

Recording Webinar Publishing Statistics

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