
What is a Trusted Smart Statistics?

Presenter(s): Albrecht Wirthmann, European Commission, Dep Head of Unit Methodology and Innovation in Official Statistics, Eurostat, European Commission

e-mail(s): Albrecht.Wirthmann@ec.europa.eu

Date: 25 February 2020

Webinar aims

In the webinar we outline the motivations and the main principles of the Trusted Smart Statistics concept that is under development in the European Statistical System and represents the evolution of official statistics in response to the challenges posed by the new datafied society. Taking stock from the availability of new digital data sources, new technologies and new behaviours, statistical offices are called nowadays to rethink the way they operate in order to reassert their role in modern democratic society. Such evolution entails a fundamental paradigm shift with respect to the legacy model of official statistics production based on traditional data sources. Such complex evolution must be guided by a comprehensive system level view based on clearly spelled design principles.

Webinar learning outcomes

  • to be aware of changes in the data ecosystem that trigger changes in statistical production process

  • to understand the role of Trusted Smart Statistics as additional pillar augmenting the statistical output

  • to become familiar with the design principles of Trusted Smart Statistics

  • to be aware of the difference between Big Data and Trusted Smart Statistics

  • understand the paradigm shift and its consequences for the statistical production processlearn to know some first application areas of Trusted Smart Statistics

Webinar content

  • Conditions and characteristics of the new data ecosystem

  • Micro- and nano data

  • Design principles for Trusted Smart Statistics

  • Paradigm shift in producing statistics

    • Relation between data and computation

    • Data collection and analysis

    • Methodological development and statistical production

  • Roles of various stakeholders in producing Trusted Smart Statistics

Difficulty level


Prerequisites for the webinar

Basic understanding of the current production process of official statistics

Further reading and resources

Ricciato, A. Wirthmann, K. Giannakouris, F. Reis and M. Skaliotis: Trusted smart statistics: Motivations and principles In: Statistical Journal of the IAOS, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 589-603, 2019, DOI: 10.3233/SJI-190584, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/system/files/sji190584.pdf

Ricciato F, Wirthmann A. Trusted Smart Statistics: how new data will change official statistics. In: Data4Policy conference, London, 2019. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3066061

Presentation material

Presentation Webinar Trusted Smart Statistics

Recording of the webinar

Recording Webinar Trusted Smart Statistics