
The use of geo-spatial data in official statistics

Presenter(s): Hannes Reuter, Eurostat – European Commission

e-mail(s): hannes.reuter@ec.europa.eu

Date: 21 April 2020

Webinar aims

Every information has a spatial and time component. Every statistical number we as statistician publish relates to a place and time on earth. We will introduce shortly geospatial data and theoretical examples of applications. Further, the webinar intends to show to the participant’s examples of the use of geo-spatial data in official statistics in the Member states as well at the European level. Questions and answer will conclude the session.

Webinar learning outcomes

  • Knowledge about the type and use of geospatial data,
  • Types of geo-analytical tasks and visualizations,
  • Know whom to contact for data, analytical tools and communities

Webinar content

  • What is geospatial information and what can we do with it?
  • Examples from the use of geospatial information at Member state Level and the European Union.

Difficulty level 


Prerequisites for the webinar

Interest in Geospatial information

Further reading and resources:




Presentation material

Presentation Material Webinar Geo-spatial data in Official Statistics

Recording of the webinar

Video Recording Webinar Geo-spatial data in Official Statistics