
Emos Webinars 2020

Frequency: Once a week during the period February–June 2020.

Tool: Skype for business – Test your access here at your earliest convenience and well in advance. Common problems and FAQ

Registration: Required for each webinar separately. No fee. Registration closes the night before the webinar at midnight (12 a.m. CET). For any doubts you can contact the EMOS 2020 Events Organising Team at emos2020events@ec.unipi.it.

Detailed instructions for registration and webinars tool

Legal notice: Webinars will be recorded and transmitted on the Web. The registration on the webinar is intended as an active declaration of will: the participants agree to be recorded in the webinar and the organizer can use obtained videos, image and audio records. Moreover, by registering the participants agree to receive webinars alerts and after the webinar a questionnaire about the evaluation of the webinar (the content of the webinar programme, quality of delivery by the presenters and material used, level of satisfaction with the IT tool used, etc.).

Webinars flyer

# Date Time Title Presenter(s) Description and materials Registration
1 Tuesday 25/02 16.00 CET Opening by Mariana Kotzeva, Director-General Eurostat

What is a Trusted Smart Statistics?

Albrecht Wirthmann, Eurostat – European Commission More>> Register here
2 Tuesday 3/03 16.00 CET Circular economy: how to measure when we have no measure? Gustavo Longaray Moraga, Ghent University More>> Register here
3 Tuesday 10/03 16.00 CET Statistical Disclosure Control: Where do we go from here? Natalie Shlomo, University of Manchester More>> Register here
4 Wednesday 18/03 16.00 CET Consumer price indices: from traditional to new data sources and techniques Jens Mehrhoff, Bundesbank More>> Register here
5 Tuesday 24/03 16.00 CET R, Python, Julia: do you known them all? Mark van der Loo, CBS More>> Register here
6 Tuesday 7/04 16.00 CET Communicating the uncertainty in official data Edwin de Jonge, CBS More>> Register here
7 Wednesday 15/04 16.00 CET Demographic change and official statistics Daniele Vignoli, University of Florence & Eleonora Meli, ISTAT More>> Register here
8 Tuesday 21/04 16.00 CET The use of geo-spatial data in official statistics Hannes Reuter, Eurostat – European Commission More>> Register here
9 Wednesday 29/04 16.00 CET Small area estimation for mapping local indicators Monica Pratesi, University of Pisa More>> Register here
10 Tuesday 12/05 16.00 CET Mixed-mode surveys Edith de Leeuw & Anne Elevelt, Utrecht University More>> Register here
11 Tuesday 26/05 15.00 CET The mode effect in mixed-mode surveys Claudia De Vitiis & Francesca Inglese, ISTAT More>> Register here
12 Tuesday 9/06 16.00 CET Recent developments in publishing statistics Tim Allen, Eurostat – European Commission More>> Register here
13 Thursday 18/06 16.00 CET Beyond GDP: what have we accomplished so far? Marco Mira D’Ercole, OECD More>> Register here